Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, shaping and advancing various aspects of human life.

How To Secure Startup Funding And P...

An exit strategy is really crucial for business owners, yet most of the time it is overlooked until circumstances demand radical adjustments. Ignoring to develop a well-considered exit strategy that guides the course of your firm might so restrict your...

How to secure funding for your star...

Many philosophers, inventors, and entrepreneurs have an idea for a corporation that may launch a social revolution. The new products...

Creating A Venture Capital Fund...

Learn how to start your own business, how to "create a venture capital fund," and what it takes to be...

What Is A Venture Capital Firm...

Venture capital (VC) firms provide investment to startups and small enterprises that have the potential for long-term growth. They operate...

Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking...

Based on several criteria, the Global Startup Ecosystem Index (GSEI) shows the startup ecosystem ranks of 1,000 cities and 100...